Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Everyone Needs A Fresh Start...

And Today is Mine! :) Well.. really it was yesterday but it was today that I decided to hop on the blogging bandwagon and start my own blogspot... finally!

I have this past season become a fan of the "Biggest Loser" TV show. It has inspired me to take control of my life and get my body fit. I have always had an excuse for not going to the gym, the biggest one of all being that I am a single mom of two great kids and never had time to go work out. Now that they're visiting with their dad for 3 weeks, I have no excuse! Especially because my work pays for my gym membership. So yesterday I went to the gym and sweated it out for the first time in so long that I can't remember. It FeLt GreaT! I am going to go again in just a few minutes.

My goal is to lose 50 lbs. I don't know how long that is going to take me, but I am determined and dedicated to become as beautiful on my outside as I am on the inside :)

Along with working out everyday for the next three weeks, I am going to watch what I eat, which is a huge weakness of mine! I know I'm not going to lose the 50 lbs. in the next 3 weeks, but I have that much time to get a great start on living a better lifestyle.

1 comment:

jeana said...

I'm excited for you.. and know you can do it!! You are amazing..