Monday, December 29, 2008

GetTinG REaDY 4 A NeW YeaR!!

Today is the last Monday of 2008! Hooray!!! I'm so excited for a new year and a new beginning. I am so glad that I can have a "fresh start" each year, to learn from my mistakes and challenges in the year past, and try to improve in the year ahead.

2009 is the year where I will truly learn what it means to be a "single mom." In years past, my ex husband was pretty consistent with taking the kids every other weekend and every other holiday. As hard as it was for me to have them gone, it was time I had to recharge my batteries get things done that I personally needed done in order to be the best mom I could be! I will no longer have the "breaks" (as I call them) and will be responsible for my children 24/7. There are blessings that come along with this challenge as well, which I'm sure you are well aware of.

I will also learn how to live within a tight budget. I will lose a great amount of income each month without child support. I know it can be done and I will make it work. I have a very strong testimony of Tithing and the blessings that come when paying a full tithe. I am sure the Lord will take care of me and my family.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year! And wonderful adventures in the New Year!